Other Names: 乱歩奇譚 Game of Laplace
Studio: Lerche
Writer: Makoto Uezu
Director: Seiji Kishi
Music: Masaru Yokoyama
Type: Inspired Works/ Original, TV Series
Length: 11 Episodes, 23 min per episode approx.
Genres: Mystery
Rating: R-17+
Air Dates: 3rd July 2015 - 18th September 2015
Alternate Recommendations: Psycho Pass & Death Note
The story takes place at a certain middle school where several murder cases take place. Kobayashi, a boy who goes to this school, meets genius detective Akechi, who comes to the school to investigate. Kobayashi takes an interest in Akechi and, in spite of his friend Hashiba's worries, he volunteers to be Akechi's assistant.
To start of this review I will give a quick description of the story which starts out with main character (Yoshio Kobayashi) being accused of a crime he doesn't commit, to which he then helps detective Kogorou Akechi solve the case to prove his innocence, to which after he then joins Akechi as an assistant solving various crimes with him as well as uncovering the mystery of mass murderer/ vigilantly Two Faces.
Now from a viewer stand point this plot seems pretty good and you would think it would turn out pretty well, however it doesn't, in which one of the main reasons being it's too short, as having 11 episodes doesn't allow for much development and by the end of the series it felt rushed as well as having a really poor ending to boot.
On the other hand however the story itself has all the correct ingredients, including a well though out and good filler, a though provoking next episode and then the whole Two face crime that interlinks into it as well as the rest of the story that is both though provoking and makes great material for a crime mystery show, so overall it could have been great but they went about it incorrectly and became nothing but a piece of wasted potential.
The next topic I would like to talk about is the soundtrack which fits the tone of show very well, having lovely crafted music for each scene that make each episode feel more unique than each other. Similarly with the Opening and Ending songs; which both fit the tone of the show well with the opening song being something that sets up the tone of the show, using the soft sound of guitar and drums that slowly build creating a thrilling vibe similar to the main show ('Speed to Masatsu' by amazarashi). Next in regards to the ending song which while is not as good as the opening; fits the show well well but I feel that maybe a softer song would have worked better, that corresponds with the atmosphere ('Mikazuki' by Sayuri).
Next up is the animation which can be summed up as decent and has a nice style to it, but shines most in the variety of ways the show presents it self to the viewers, standing out more than any of the more average animation in anime.
And finally to conclude I'll talk about the characters and how there potential was wasted given the amazing amount of variety present in the show.
To start of I'll speak out the main characters, the first being Yoshio Kobayashi the boy who finds real life boring till the point he is a suspect for a murder case. Now I must tell you that one of the flaws of the show is this character as he is boring, has no development, doesn't fit well into the story and due to his design it becomes difficult to tell which gender he is, which leads to him becoming a poor lead and running the show as a whole.
The next two main characters should be the real leads of the show as they are far more interesting both in back story and personality; the first being Souji Hashiba who serves as Kobayashi's only friend, as well as his only anchor to normal life, now what makes him a good character is how he is used within the story, playing the role as Kobayashi's reason as well as keeping him alive. But as a character Souji is rather plain with the only distinguishing features being that he an heir to a large company as well as possibly seeing Kobayashi as more than a friend, however neither are never touched upon to a greater extend which is rather disappointing.
Next is Kogorou Akechi who is the main detective that gets forced to have Kobayashi as an assistant; Akechi can be described as having an anti-social personality and being very serious at his job which fits well into the story and even more when some of his back story is presented, however just like the previous characters he doesn't get much development as the story progresses.
And finally the supporting characters; which can range from quite boring, to interesting and creepy characters such as Minami the medical examiner who I wish had more screen time, as well as Kuro Tokage a criminal held in prison who is tied up as well as being infatuated Akechi and gives him advice on various cases, in which I really wish she would have got some development or at least we got to see backstory as she is mysterious and odd which makes her really interesting.

Story/Setting: 6
Soundtrack: 8
Animation: 6.3
Characters: 6.4
Final Score: 6.6/10
Ranking System:
10 - Perfect Masterpiece
9.6 - 9.9= Near Perfect
9 - 9.5 = Excellent
7-8.9 = Good
5-6.9 = Average/Mediocre
2-4.9 =Bad
1- 1.9= Unwatchable