Monday 25 January 2016

RWBY Volume II Web Series Review

RWBY Volume II
Other Names: RWBY 2
Studio: Rooster Teeth
Writers: Monty Oum, Kerry Shawcross & Miles Luna
Director: Monty Oum
Music: Jeff Williams
Type: Original, Web Series (ONA), Sequel
Length: 12 Episodes, 13 - 17 minutes per episode approx.
Genres: Action, Adventure, Science-fantasy
Rating: N/A
Air Dates: N/A
Alternate Recommendations: Ajin (For good 3D animation) & Black Rock Shooter
(Source: & Wikipedia)

Team RWBY is back and ready for their second semester at Beacon, an academy that trains the world's strongest fighters. But real life doesn't stop. Between classes and homework, they still have to find time to save the world. And between the White Fang, Roman Torchwick, and a mysterious new trio, they certainly have their work cut out for them! (Source:

From my experience I have always believed that sequels must raise the roof when compared to the first season, does RWBY Volume II do this or does it fall back into the abyss with the original series?

Well let me tell you that the second season of RWBY is such as breath of fresh air, as it breathes live into the show, improving on everything in the show, though still leaves minor problems.
One of my biggest complaints last season was the animation, though not the combat animation,  instead the more docile type such as talking, character interaction and movement, however this second season has shown that they can do it probably, as lip sync I found to be much more fluid which helped me feel more for the characters, which by the way are much better characterised with some getting some much needed development and back - story that is worth the watch, especially during the romantic sub-plots some characters go through which further humanises their personalities, even if the romances go nowhere.

Though on another side newer character introduced aren't given enough time to be fleshed out or even given a decent amount of screen time. Although one aspect that did grab we with the characters was how well the voice actors did their roles this times around, with main roles being played much better than before, while supporting roles felt more human, making characters feel more alive.

At times though I found basic interactions like using objects to be better than last time but can still look odd at times and finally movement which similarly while looking more fluid and natural, sometimes still came around as a bit dodgy.
Though on another hand the animation used in combat was extremely well done, being one of the highlights of the series, with fast and fluid animation that are eye catching while remaining fun to watch. Though in another respect while art used in the show has greatly improved mostly on the character designs which have been fleshed out much more giving more individuality even though in other areas I found the scenery and objects within it to look out of place at times, as sometimes they'll look great but others times, objects can look just like blocks of colours and scenery will have a lovely detailed area in one, then have a silhouetted or bland shot next to it, which I found to be discomforting at times.

Moving on, one improvement most notable in the show is how the story is paced as in the previous season it jumped all over the place but in this one I felt a continuous plot that wasn't badly put together and had a real storyline. One of the better parts of this parts was that a really threat or threats were introduced, that felt both threatening and mysterious, so much as you don't even know there goal, which adds a great mystery element to the story but on the other hand leaves us the viewers not knowing what they want (aside from the White Fang group) and is not shown even by the final episode which is a disappointment, leaving us with a cliff-hanger, though a third season has been released so hopefully that will clear up the answers.

Though in contrast to this praise I can't say the story doesn't suffer, as our of old nemesis filler returns though mainly at the start of the series, due to when I started the series I wasn't expecting a food fight, which could have been funny but they decided to put in the fight music for the soundtrack, which just made it really cringe worthy.
Speaking of cringe worthy, the humour of this series is just awful, it doesn't feel like they tried at all, so much as I wanted to just skip out those parts.

Now onto the main highlight of the series, the soundtrack which is better than ever, thanks to Jeff Williams who managed to create the perfect music for every scene, even if it didn't fit into the one scene as mentioned above. I also must say that the opening song used this time around fits well with the tone of this season, fitting the mood well with a great animation sequence, that makes the viewer clamour for more, though on the other side while the ending songs can be nice and fitting they don't last long enough and 'animation' is more of the same flat pictures except with more variety, which I found to not be worth my time.

In conclusion, I'd give this one a go, it's worth the watch even if you have to sit through the boring first season and really shows us that America can produce I good 3D animation.

Final Verdict: 
Story/Setting: 7.3
Characters: 7.5
Animation: 6.9
Sound: 8.1

Final Score: 7.5/10

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Ajin Part 1: Shoudou Anime Movie Review

Ajin Part 1: Shoudou
Other Names: Ajin: Demi-Human - Compel, 亜人 第1部「衝動」
Studio: Polygon Pictures
Writer:  Hiroshi Seko
Director: Hiroyuki Seshita
Music: Yugo Kanno
Type: Movie, Manga Adaptation
Length: 1hr. 43min
Genres: AdventureHorrorMysterySeinenSupernatural
Rating: R-17+
Air Date: 27th November 2015
Recommendations: Tokyo Ghoul & Knights of Sidonia

For high schooler Kei—and for at least forty-six others—immortality comes as the nastiest surprise ever.

Sadly for Kei, such a feat doesn't make him a superhero. In the eyes of both the general public and governments, he's a rare specimen who needs to be hunted down and handed over to scientists to be experimented on for life—a demi-human who must die a thousand deaths for the benefit of humanity. (Soutce: MAL)

Ajin a 3D animation, well how does it hold up?
Well to start I must say the animation itself is superb, probably the best 3D animation I have seen since Knights of Sidonia, as all the character move in a great way with none of the animation feeling out of place or stiff especially in the facial animations; even the more faster paced scenes are fantastic, flowing smoothly; though the art I found to be a little lacking but fit the animation well. 

Though in contrast to the art I found the character designs to be well designed, as they have done a great job in disguising the Ajin characters from the human ones but have also given them unique appearances so you can't forget them, while in contrast I found most the human characters top look plain and uninspiring; but they were at least likeable, in fact all the characters are likeable having a great range of different personalities and quirks, though some are less relevant then others they are at least remember able. 

As they all contain a certain little core element to the film which is human nature, as most in terms of humans showcase the believe that Ajin are evil creatures and would sell them out for money if they could, even if there family or friends, this makes you despise them, though on the other side the Ajin are no different murdering innocents as they see humans as all the same. 

This tale is told well through the sight of the protagonist (Kei), who thought to be human his whole turns out to be Ajin, to which then his family and friends betray him while he struggles to become what he is and forget what he was, overall it is an amazing journey backed up by great pacing as nothing within the plot feels rushed or drawn out, creating a thrilling and emotional narrative that feels fresh and original, all the way to a great conclusion that makes you wish part two was out now.  Though I can only say that this would have been a lot better if the soundtrack would have been have at least memorable as I felt it was very plain even if as the film due to the conclusion the music began to pick up. 

In contrast to this the ending song used for the credits is amazing, as it really grabs the tone of the movie well, which is further improved by the ending animation that really just presents all the characters but the way it was done I found to be a great addition. 
Now hear is something I don't really talk about the sound and by sound I mean effects like explosions, gunfire and similar things, as they don't really stick out to me much unless there done well, however Ajin's sound is extremely well done, gun fights sound and feel realistic while explosions  feel as though they will jump out of the screen; all in all it was breath-taking, standing at one of the highest points for this film. 

In conclusion I would recommend this to anyone looking for a real high point in 3D animated anime, even with very few short comings, it is easily one of the best 3D animes I have ever seen, though if you real hate for 3D animation stay away. Also I would just recommend this in general as it was an amazing film that will leave you wanting more. 

Final Verdict:
Story/Setting: 9.1
Characters: 8.2
Animation/Art: 8.5
Sound: 8.3

Final Score: 8.6/10

Saturday 16 January 2016

Love Lab Anime Review

Love Lab
Other Names: 'Rena Lab', '恋愛ラボ'.
Studio: DogaKobo
Writer: Takashi Aoshima
Director: Masahiko Ohta
Music: Yasuhiro Misawa
Type: TV Series, Manga Adaptation
Length: 13 Episodes, 24 min per episode approx.
Genres: ComedyRomanceSchool
Rating: PG-13
Air Dates: 5th July 2013 - 28th September 2013
Alternate Recommendations: Yuru Yuri & Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
(Sources: MAL & Wikipedia)

The Fujisaki Girls Academy is known for their school body being composed of very proper students. The most prominent one of them is Maki, the student president who is admired by her classmates for her calm and polite demeanour. On the other hand, Kurahashi Riko is also admired but for having a very forward and boyish personality. Riko accidentally walks into Maki while she's practising kissing with a pillow and learns that she isn't what everyone thinks she is. Riko is forced into keeping Maki's secret and join her in practising all aspects of romance like holding hands and more. (Source: MAL)

Will the Love lab improve your love life or will it be completely destroyed?
'Oh look I high school romance, how original', is what I would say if this was a bad show, but it's not, surprisingly this was pretty good, as it goes over the awkwardness of speaking to the opposite sex at a young age as well as teaching the values of friendship, in a fun and light-hearted way.

This is thanks to great pacing and episode structure, that follows a collection of arcs and each episode has an episodic like content that is paced well, lasting just a few episode each and end in very good ways; while staying true to the overall story-line, though the ending is satisfying it doesn't conclude or have second season in sight. The series can be broken down into two main elements that have the heavier focus, with the first being the comedy aspects of the show, that I found to be quite funny though the humour mainly focuses on the straight 'man' type of comedy and misunderstanding so it is up to your sense of humour whether you will enjoy this or not.

The other major element present in the series is the core theme surrounding love and how it matters to the main characters, which is overall managed great, as it never gets dropped from the plot but doesn't fill up it either, working into the story at the perfect balance for both serious and not so serious matters in the series, though I do feel that they could have incorporated this theme into better situations then what they did.

Speaking of the characters, I must say that they are highly refreshing though many of the stick to traditional troupes and archetypes, they all have little quirks that bring out fun and better sides to their personalities, and though there are quite a cast of characters, I'll only through the main cast in detail, as the supporting cast get less screen time and barely any development.

So to start there is the leading character Riko who is a tomboy styled character that doesn't fit in with her school or classmates, she is one of the funnier characters out of main cast, getting a good amount of screen time but not much development sadly, as I would like to have learned more about her.
The second main lead character Makoi has the ojou-sama styled personality with a nice twist, that she is weird curious about love causing most of incidents and situations the characters are placed in, as well as getting good development over the series' run.
The last three out of the five main characters aren't even worth mentioning in comparison as while they get lots of screen time and make the comedy better while making the show more cutesy, they don't put much in story wise, with virtually no development what so ever.

Speaking of cutesy the art used within the series is very fitting, having a unique style for this type of show that both looks cute but also looks refined which could also be said about the character designs as well which are great to look at and fit well with each characters personalities which while coupled with nice flowing animation helps create a relaxing atmosphere while watching the show. The chibi animation used during comedic scenes is also most welcome, making some scenes cuter and funnier.

Though this cannot be said for the OST, which while fitting the show well, is nothing special, average at best; though this could not be said of the opening and ending of the series, as both are fun and energetic like the show itself, getting you ready for the fun your about to have thanks to a great animation played as well and then it wide you down gently with some great ending music and calmer animation.

Overall this series is a must watch if you love yourself some slice of life or moe shows. And is also great for anyway looking for a relaxing anime to watch.

Final Verdict:
Setting/Story: 7.5
Characters: 7.7
Animation/Art: 7.9
Sound: 7.3

Final Score: 7.7/10

Saturday 9 January 2016

RWBY Volume I Web Series Review

Other Names: Ruby
Studio: Rooster Teeth
Writers: Monty Oum, Kerry Shawcross & Miles Luna
Director: Monty Oum
Music: Jeff Williams
Type: Original, Web Series (ONA)
Length: 16 episodes, episode length varies
Genres: Action, Adventure, Science-fantasy
Rating: N/A
Air Dates: N/A
Alternate Recommendations: Soul Eater (Anime) & Knights of Sidonia (3D Anime).

The future-fantasy world of Remnant is filled with ravenous monsters, treacherous terrain, and more villains than you can shake a sniper-scythe at. Fortunately, Beacon Academy is training Huntsman and Huntresses to battle the evils of the world, and Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang are ready for their first day of class. (Source:

So how was Roosterteeth, creators of Hit Machinima Red vs Blue, first 'anime' production? Well, in short it had its short comings but with a little polish it could have been something special, however due to lots of issues it falls far from that tree.

The biggest problem I had with the show was the animation, not that the 3D animation was the problem, it was just bad though I only found this to be in none fight scene situations, as characters didn't look write in motion and the lip sync didn't always connect well but as said before the fights are great, with it being clear where they sunk their time and effort into, with fast moving fights that only get better as the series progresses, especially when coupled with great music making them more intense but this was the only highlight in the art and animation department as character designs, while they were unique, weren't nice to look at especially when couple with bad animation.
Though I must say the opening animation is great in comparison, especially with the opening song that fits the tone of the show well, unlike the ending songs which are average at best.

Speaking of the characters, while having good appearances their personalities are less to desired, though this was mainly prominent in the main characters rather than supporting cast, as you can some up team RWBY in just a few words: the short energetic one, the Tsundere ojou,  the quiet one and the tall energetic one, and none of these characters ever go through any development or change over the series, despite the rest of the cast having some great personalities and one or two getting of them getting decent development although it can be a bit cliché.

Speaking of cliché, the setting is definitely one, it's a show about high school students fighting monsters and such with giant weapons, where have you not heard this before it's like a harem anime setting without the harem part, though I must say the weapons in this show have certain uniqueness to them.
As for the plot, it's not bad but it just jumps around too much with one episode ending in the school and another starting in a town I've never heard of and it never tells you how they got there, which isn't helped by how the series is structured as each few episodes is structured into arcs, that just jump to one another without any questions answered, until it reaches a cliff-hanger ending that's just disappointing, but there is a second season so it isn't all bad.

Now a quick note of the voice acting, it was good, I felt the cast played there characters well, though some of the lower support characters good have been played better as the felt quite robotic at times.

Overall I'd give this a chance, as an American made anime is an interesting thing but it felt to close to Japanese anime with a cliché setting, story and characters but had it is worth watching for fantastic looking fight scene animation.

Final Verdict: 
Story/Setting: 5.2
Characters: 6.1
Animation/Art: 4.7
Sound: 7.8

Final Score: 5.9/10

Friday 8 January 2016

Hacka Doll The Animation Anime Review

Hacka Doll The Animation:
Other Names: Hacker Doll The Animation & ハッカドール THE・あにめーしょん
Studio: Creators in Pack & Trigger
Writer: ?
Director: Ikuo Geso
Music: DIVE II Entertainment
Type: TV Series, Short series, Based of iOS Phone App.
Length: 13 episodes, 7 minutes per episode approx.
Genres:  Comedy, Sci-Fi
Rating: PG-13
Air Dates: 2nd October 2015 - 25 December 2015
Alternate Recommendations: Teekyuu & Lucky Star

Hacka Doll app delivers a customized feed of news for each user. The user answers some simple questions when launching the app for the first time, and then the app will filter the news that caters to the user's personal interests. With daily use, the app automatically analyzes and learns which news articles the user reads and recommends to further personalize the feed. The anime personifies the app's customization engine as three "Hacka Dolls" — the personal entertainment AI and main navigator Hacka Doll #1, the anime expert Hacka Doll #2, and the knowledgeable otaku Hacka Doll #3. (Source: MAL)

Short Review:
Will the Hacka dolls be able to advance this anime or crash it into the depths of despair?
Well thanks to a good idea of keeping the series as an episodic flick rather than attempting an over arcing plot, Hacka dolls was saved in the story department, due to well written episodes and an enjoyable setting that is both funny and fun to watch as each episode is kept short and sweet to maximise that particular episode's theme without dragging it out too much, which lasts all the way to the end of the series, this leaves a satisfactory taste after a good conclusion even if it doesn't end probably with no second season in sight.

An additional point I will bring up is how well the characters fit into the setting, even though are very stereotypical, with having standard archetypes, they all have small quirks that help them fit into the role of the worst ones (as they are supposed to be the worst version of the Hacka Doll product) couple that with some nice character design and you've got some good characters, shame though that they get very little development. Aside from the main characters, the side characters featured in each episode are a great addition, although having average designs in most cases they have fun development most of time despite their small amount of screen time.

One of the more negative points of the series is the soundtrack, as it doesn't stick out well, when compared to the opening song which is great to listen to and gets you in the mood for the rest of the show by using well used J-Pop music, though the ending songs are not worth much listening to but are fun to watch. On a similar note to the soundtrack the animation is a best average, though the art style is cute and mixes well with characters and the setting of the show.

In conclusion this series is a good watch for slice of life lovers or anyone who wants to just relax for a few minutes, thanks to well-made setting and loveable characters that is, only dragged down by a few negative points.

Final Verdict
Story/Setting: 7.4
Characters: 7.5
 Art/Animation: 6.9
Sound: 6.5

Final Score: 7.1/10

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Onsen Yousei Hakone-chan Anime Review

Onsen Yousei Hakone-chan
Other Names: Hakone, Hot Springs Fairy Hakone-Chan & 温泉幼精ハコネちゃん.
Studio: Asahi Production & Production Reed
Writer: Korie Tomonaga & Momoko Murakami
Director: Takeyuki Yanase
Music: Tomohisa Ishikawa
Type: Manga Adaptation, Short TV Series
Length: 13 Episodes, 3 min per episode approx.
Genres: PG-13
Rating: ComedySeinen
Air Dates: 4th October 2015 - 27th December 2015
Alternate Recommendations: Haitai Nanafa & Shinryaku! Ika Musume

After many years of dormant rest, a hot springs fairy awakens in modern-day Japan. However, while she slept, she took on the appearance of a young girl. She decides to cooperate with the locals whilst trying to regain her powers.

(Warning: Very Short)

Have you ever wondered what being friends with a god would be like? Its okay, could be better if that god wasn't a Loli. In Onsen Yousei you will experience just that with some funny humour tagged along that is fun to watch, though the humour does run dry every now and then thanks to an unoriginal setting and an attempted plot that goes no-where until it reaches an unsatisfactory conclusion, as the show would have been a lot better if it stuck to its episodic layout, but no, they wanted a plot and it is pretty bad; not to mention the attempt at putting a romance sub-plot that goes nowhere and has no place in the show, except to add a bit of humour to scenes whether its wanted or not.

Though on another hand the cast of the show is quite delightful and have a good designs that fit the show's feel well, though the romance plot did ruin them a bit, as it lead to cringe like scenes that made me thing why I was, watching this. But aside from this the characters help bring a refreshing atmosphere to the show, that makes you feel relaxed as they go about their daily antics; one point that does help this is the art style used with big round heads and huge eyes, which makes all the cast look cute and likeable.
Though on another side the animation is not at its best and is at most average; this could also be said for the soundtrack as well though it does blend in well, it blends in too well and is barely noticeable, unlike the opening which stands out well, being fun to watch and listen to, matching the feel of the show.

In conclusion this is great to watch if want something relaxing or an easy to watch series, but if you want something more, go look elsewhere.

Final Verdict:
Story/Setting: 5.4
Characters: 6.6
Art/Animation: 6.6
Sound: 6.3

Final Score: 6.3/10      

Saturday 2 January 2016

Fushigi na Somera-chan Anime Review

Fushigi na Somera-chan
Other Names: Magical Somera-chan & 不思議なソメラちゃん
Studio: Seven
Writer: tsuki Imazaki
Director: Itsuki Imazaki
Music: Fūga Hatori
Type: Manga (4-Koma) Adaptation, Short TV Series
Length: 12 Episodes, 3 minutes per episode approx
Genres: ComedyMagicSlice of Life
Rating: PG-13
Air Dates: 7th October 2015 - 23rd December 2015
Alternate Recommendations: Teekyuu & Ai Mai Mi

The story follows the everyday life of Somera Nonomoto who can use the strongest kenpo, Nonomoto Mahou-ken, which is inherited from her mother with her younger sister Kukuru.
(Warning review is very short!)

How to describe it? It's just weird, there's no story as each episode is dealt in an episodic style, that had no correlation between each other aside the 'animal' like facts at the start of each episode, which brings me to my first point of the show, that is that each episode is broken into two segments, with the first containing the animal facts though the animal is made up I found it to be the better parts of the show with the facts being so strange that they were quite funny. Though on the other side the rest of the show, is not as fun, due to poor writing and boring episodes that lack any sense of humour and feel all the same, so by the end of the you'll just feel like you wasted your time.

This is also due to the characters which at first are interesting while having good designs though later degrade, as there personalities are advanced and just stick to being boring and never sticking out except during the weirder scenes.
Whereas for the character designs as said before aren't bad, the rest of the art is just ugly and looks horrible even if the style is very different from the norm, though the animation isn't bad and the soundtrack is pretty average which could also be said of ending song as well though the animation for this isn't bad as it shows how they did the characters and art during it.
The opening on another hand is one of better parts of show, as the song fits the show well and has a decent animation that meets the weird factor head on.  

Overall I'd give this one a miss, and would recommend it if you want something abstract or have absolutely nothing to watch.  

Final Verdict: 
Story/Setting: 4.1
Characters: 3.8
Art/Animation: 4.4
Sound: 5

Final Score:  4.2/10

Ranking System:
10 = Perfect Masterpiece
9.6 - 9.9= Near Perfect
9 - 9.5 = Excellent
8 - 8.9 = Very Good
7- 7.9 = Good
 5-6.9 = Average/Mediocre
 2-4.9 =Bad
 1- 1.9= Unwatchable